Infallible Open House Marketing: 12 Ways to Get Buyers in the Door

An open house is a great opportunity to showcase your property to potential buyers and generate interest in your listing. However, simply opening your doors and hoping for the best is not enough. You need to have a strategic marketing plan that will attract qualified leads and make them want to see more.

In this article, we will share 12 proven ways to market your open house and get buyers in the door. These tips will help you create a buzz around your event, increase attendance, and ultimately, sell your home faster and for a higher price.

1. Choose the right date and time

The first step to a successful open house is to choose the right date and time for your event. You want to avoid scheduling your open house on holidays, major sporting events, or other local events that might compete for attention. You also want to consider the weather, traffic, and daylight hours.

The best days for open houses are usually Saturdays and Sundays, when most buyers are available and actively looking for homes. The best time is typically between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., when there is enough natural light and people are not too busy with other commitments. However, depending on your market and target audience, you might want to experiment with different days and times to see what works best for you.

2. Promote your open house online

The majority of home buyers start their search online, so you need to make sure your open house is visible and appealing on the internet. There are several ways to promote your open house online, such as:

  • Listing websites: Make sure your open house details are updated and accurate on popular listing websites, such as Zillow, Trulia,, and your local MLS. Include high-quality photos, a compelling description, and a clear call to action to register or RSVP for your event.
  • Social media: Use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to spread the word about your open house. Create engaging posts with eye-catching images, videos, or live streams, and use hashtags, geotags, and keywords to reach a wider audience. You can also create a Facebook event page and invite your friends, followers, and contacts to join and share.
  • Email marketing: Send out an email blast to your database of leads, clients, and referrals, and invite them to your open house. Use an enticing subject line, a personalized message, and a clear call to action to increase your open rate and click-through rate. You can also segment your list and send targeted emails to different groups of prospects based on their interests, preferences, and needs.
  • Online ads: If you have a budget for paid advertising, you can run online ads to boost your open house exposure and generate more leads. You can use platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or YouTube Ads, and target your ads based on location, demographics, behaviors, and keywords. You can also use retargeting ads to remind people who have visited your website or social media pages about your open house.

3. Use signage and flyers

While online marketing is essential, you should not neglect the power of offline marketing as well. One of the most effective ways to attract drive-by and walk-by traffic to your open house is to use signage and flyers.

Signage refers to any signs that you place around your neighborhood and near your property to direct and entice people to your open house. You can use different types of signs, such as yard signs, directional signs, banners, or balloons, and make sure they are visible, legible, and consistent with your branding.

Flyers are printed materials that you distribute or display in strategic locations to inform and invite people to your open house. You can use flyers to showcase your property's features, photos, and price, and include your contact information and open house details. You can also add a QR code or a URL to your flyer that leads to your website or a landing page where people can learn more and register for your event.

Some of the places where you can put up your signage and flyers are:

  • Your property's front yard and entrance
  • Busy intersections and streets near your property
  • Local businesses and community centers
  • Bulletin boards and kiosks
  • Your car or other vehicles

4. Invite your neighbors

Another way to increase your open house attendance and generate word-of-mouth marketing is to invite your neighbors to your event. Your neighbors can be a valuable source of referrals, as they might know someone who is looking for a home in your area, or they might be interested in buying your home themselves.

You can invite your neighbors to your open house by:

  • Knocking on their doors and personally inviting them
  • Sending them a postcard or a letter with your open house details
  • Calling or texting them if you have their phone numbers
  • Creating a neighborhood Facebook group and posting your open house information there
  • Hosting a separate open house or a preview party for your neighbors before the public open house

5. Partner with other professionals

A smart way to leverage your network and reach more potential buyers is to partner with other professionals who can add value to your open house. For example, you can partner with:

  • A mortgage lender who can pre-approve buyers and answer their financing questions
  • A home inspector who can provide a pre-listing inspection report and offer tips on how to prepare your home for sale
  • A home stager who can help you stage your home and make it more appealing to buyers
  • A local business who can sponsor or provide refreshments, giveaways, or entertainment for your open house

By partnering with other professionals, you can offer a more comprehensive and informative experience to your open house visitors, as well as cross-promote your event and generate more exposure.

6. Create a landing page

A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture leads and convert them into attendees for your open house. A landing page can help you:

  • Build anticipation and excitement for your event
  • Showcase your property's features, photos, and video tours
  • Collect contact information and RSVPs from interested prospects
  • Send automated email or text reminders and confirmations
  • Track and measure your open house marketing performance

To create an effective landing page for your open house, you need to:

  • Use a catchy headline and a clear subheadline that highlight the benefits of attending your event
  • Include a high-quality image or video of your property that showcases its best attributes
  • Provide a brief and compelling description of your property and your open house details
  • Add social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, or awards, to boost your credibility and trustworthiness
  • Include a clear and prominent call to action that encourages visitors to register or RSVP for your event
  • Use a simple and user-friendly form that asks for the minimum information necessary, such as name, email, and phone number
  • Optimize your landing page for mobile devices, SEO, and speed

You can use tools such as Leadpages, Unbounce, or Instapage to create and host your landing page, or you can use your own website or blog platform.

7. Host a virtual open house

A virtual open house is an online event that allows you to showcase your property to buyers who are unable to attend your physical open house due to distance, time, or other constraints. A virtual open house can help you:

  • Expand your reach and audience beyond your local market
  • Provide a convenient and safe option for buyers who prefer to view homes online
  • Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity for your event
  • Generate more leads and feedback from your online visitors
  • Save time and money on hosting a physical open house

To host a successful virtual open house, you need to:

  • Choose a platform or tool that allows you to stream or record your video, such as Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or Matterport
  • Promote your virtual open house on your website, social media, email, and other channels, and include a link to your landing page or registration page
  • Prepare your home and your equipment for the video, and make sure you have a good internet connection, lighting, and sound
  • Plan your route and script for the video, and highlight the key features and benefits of your property
  • Engage with your online viewers, and answer their questions and comments during or after the video
  • Follow up with your leads and invite them to schedule a private showing or make an offer

8. Offer incentives and giveaways

One of the ways to entice more buyers to attend your open house and increase your chances of getting an offer is to offer incentives and giveaways. Incentives and giveaways can help you:

  • Stand out from the competition and create a memorable impression
  • Build rapport and goodwill with your prospects
  • Encourage referrals and word-of-mouth marketing
  • Collect contact information and feedback from your visitors
  • Motivate buyers to take action and make an offer

Some of the incentives and giveaways that you can offer at your open house are:

  • Refreshments and snacks, such as cookies, coffee, water, or wine
  • Branded items, such as pens, magnets, calendars, or tote bags
  • Gift cards or certificates, such as for a local restaurant, coffee shop, or spa
  • Free services or consultations, such as from a mortgage lender, a home inspector, or a home stager
  • Raffle or sweepstakes, such as for a cash prize, a tablet, or a smart speaker

When offering incentives and giveaways, make sure you comply with the local laws and regulations, and disclose any terms and conditions to your prospects.

9. Provide information and resources

Another way to provide information and resources to your open house visitors, such as:A property flyer or brochure that summarizes your property’s features, photos, and priceA seller’s disclosure statement that reveals any known defects or issues with your propertyA neighborhood guide that highlights the local amenities, attractions, and schoolsA market report that shows the recent sales and trends in your areaA buyer’s guide that explains the home buying process and tipsA business card or a magnet that has your contact information and websiteBy providing information and resources, you can educate your prospects, address their questions and concerns, and position yourself as an expert and a resource.

10. Follow up with your leads

One of the most important steps to a successful open house is to follow up with your leads promptly and effectively. Following up with your leads can help you:

  • Stay in touch and build a relationship with your prospects
  • Provide additional information and resources that they might need
  • Solicit feedback and testimonials from your visitors
  • Nurture your leads and move them along the sales funnel
  • Ask for referrals and repeat business

Some of the ways to follow up with your leads are:

  • Send a thank you email or text to your visitors within 24 hours of your open house, and include a link to your landing page, website, or video tour
  • Call your hot leads within 48 hours of your open house, and ask them about their interest level, timeline, and budget, and invite them to schedule a private showing or make an offer
  • Add your leads to your CRM system or database, and segment them based on their qualification and readiness
  • Send regular email or text updates to your leads, and share relevant information, such as new listings, price changes, market news, or blog posts
  • Use social media to stay connected and engaged with your leads, and share valuable content, such as tips, testimonials, or success stories

11. Track and measure your results

Another key step to a successful open house is to track and measure your results, and use the data to improve your future marketing efforts. Tracking and measuring your results can help you:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness and ROI of your open house marketing strategies
  • Identify the best sources and channels for generating leads and attendees
  • Understand the behavior and preferences of your prospects
  • Optimize your landing page, website, and social media performance
  • Adjust your pricing, staging, and presentation based on feedback

Some of the metrics and tools that you can use to track and measure your results are:

  • Attendance: The number of people who visited your open house, and their names, contact information, and qualification
  • Registration: The number of people who registered or RSVPed for your open house, and their source, channel, and device
  • Conversion: The number of leads who converted into appointments, offers, or sales, and their conversion rate and cost per lead
  • Feedback: The comments, ratings, reviews, or testimonials that you received from your visitors, and their satisfaction and likelihood to refer
  • Analytics: The data and insights that you can get from your landing page, website, social media, and online ads, such as traffic, views, clicks, impressions, bounce rate, and engagement

12. Be creative and have fun

The last tip for a successful open house is to be creative and have fun with your marketing and hosting. Being creative and having fun can help you:

  • Showcase your personality and style, and differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Create a positive and memorable impression on your prospects, and make them feel welcome and comfortable
  • Generate more buzz and excitement for your event, and encourage more people to attend and share
  • Enjoy the process and the results, and celebrate your achievements

Some of the ways to be creative and have fun with your open house are:

  • Use a theme or a gimmick for your event, such as a holiday, a season, a color, or a movie
  • Decorate your home and your signage with festive or quirky elements, such as balloons, flowers, or props
  • Play music or games that match your theme or your audience, and offer prizes or rewards for participation
  • Hire a professional entertainer, such as a magician, a comedian, or a musician, to perform at your event
  • Dress up or wear a costume that suits your theme or your personality, and invite your visitors to do the same

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