Step-by-Step How to Sell Terrific Amounts of Off Plan in 30 Days Using AI


With weekly launches and competition rocket-booming in Dubai, selling off plan projects in Dubai can be a nightmare, but if done right can be one of the most lucrative businesses you can execute in the Dubai real estate market.  They sell out almost instantly.

How? Simply because the demand for real estate in Dubai surpasses the supply, which is a crazy opportunity that really only happens once in a lifetime.

The thing is referrals and connections won’t cut it; these are not a reliable way of taking advantage of this opportunity. And Property Finder, Bayut, etc. won’t really allow you to put the required info to really persuade the user into that lifestyle. What about my website? Well, if you’re using a WordPress template or you haven’t read this blog in full, I’m sorry but that won’t work either.

In 2020, we conducted a study to see where exactly home buyers found their property, 90% of the contestants said online, while only 5% user referrals and connections. This is exactly what we used to design our strategy to show you how to sell off plan properties in Dubai like a madman.

Let me walk you through the exact 3-step strategy we used, and continue to use, that allow our clients to sell more off plan units than some of the biggest agencies in Dubai.

From how to set the foundations, rating your trust meter, creating copy with AI, and the best part, getting that commission check for your non-stopping sales.

Be careful though, if you are a solo agent, this is a REALLY powerful method, so you won’t be able to handle all leads on your own, if you are an agency, you’ll need at least 15 to 30 agents to be able to handle these numbers.

Step 1: Set Strong Foundations of Trust in the Eyes of New Traffic

Even though the majority of home buyers search online nowadays, it’s that same majority that’s skeptical when using the internet. The reason so many businesses depend on referrals is exactly this. Referrals already trust you, so they don’t need to see any reviews or past experience or even a face, because they have seen it.

For new leads, at least if you want to close them, you need them to trust you, and the first impression that they’ll have, is what they see when they search you online. We’ll optimize our presence first by following this simple 3-step self-audit:

Step 1: Search Your Main Competitors on Google

First let's search your main competitors to see what exactly they are doing. Annotate everything you see

  • Google My Business page?
  • How many reviews?
  • What’s the first not promoted result? 
  • What’s their social media?

Now keep this piece of paper right here, then enter on their website, and look for more things they are doing:

  • Can you see any face?
  • Can you see Google reviews?
  • A team? 
  • Their broker number?
  • What’s your first impression?

Step 2: Search Yourself on Incognito mode

  • Open an incognito site
  • Search the main keyword for your real estate agency

Now, what do you see compared to your competitor? Check the things that you see and highlight the ones missing. Then repeat for your website.

Step 3: Optimize Your Online Presence

You can give yourself a rating from 1 to 10 by multiplying the number of things you are doing to generate trust by 10, and then dividing it by the entire amount of what your competitors are doing.

Before even moving on with anything here, that number must be a 7 or more.

If you follow on with this strategy having a 1, as soon as you have a lead that MIGHT be interested, the moment he searches for you he’ll be sketched out and run away from you.

You can of course get it to be a 10 by doing everything in the list that you made with your competitor.

Step 2: Streamline the Process of Promoting an Off Plan

Now that we have a base of trust where new leads can feel safe, we are ready to prepare our off-plan promotion machine gun. A streamlined way of getting the different off plan projects promoted in just days.

You’ll need just 4 things apart from an off-plan project to promote:

  • A brain to do research.
  • To create persuasive copy.
  • A dynamic landing page creator.
  • A Google AdWords account.

Now don’t be scared because you are hearing things you don’t know about, I’ll explain every one of these to you and how to get or apply them.

Doing Research on the Off Plan Project

Grab a cup of coffee, sit down, because we’ll be focusing all our energy on understanding the fundamentals of this off-plan project.

It’s time to research like CRAZY, you should know enough about the project to become dangerous.

Have as many calls as you can with experienced people, memorize all the floor plans, every part of the payment, the materials used, go DEEP.

The more you know, the more you’ll convert, each insight that you grab, put into a sheet, we’ll be using that in just a second.

Creating Persuasive Copy for the Off Plan Project

Once you have the content given by the developer and your research done, you’ll need to create a persuasive copy to reflect the lifestyle of that off-plan project, the ROI, and all of the benefits that come with buying an off-plan unit there, to eventually get the user to convert.

Now don’t worry if you don’t have an idea about copy, we’ve created a GPT you can use for free with the link in the description, just click it, give it the resources the developer gave you, and it will write unique, humanized and SEO friendly content, for you automatically.

Creating Your Landing Pages

To be completely honest I don’t know a better option than myself for this one, but I’ll give you the exact methodology we use. I’ve got a team working all day, every day ready to create the most persuasive, eye-catching and converting landing page for you. Best part is, once created you can create as many as you want to. 

Now how do we do it? We cut all the B.S. out, and we focus on 3 things:

  • Traffic, because if no one sees you, no one transacts with you
  • Trust, because that same traffic needs to trust that you’ll do a good job
  • Conversions, because once they see you and they trust you, we gotta make it as easy as possible for them to convert

If you want me to give you the exact metrics, we use to track these 3, claim a free audit and a no-compromise strategy session down below on the description and let’s explore what your options are. No hard sales pitch, pure strategy.

Creating a Google AdWords Account and Running Ads

Now we’re literally packed with the necessary tools to get as many leads as one can handle so…

Where are the leads???

Fortunately, we have a “traffic supermarket” down the road… Google!

There are 40,000 Google queries done every second and 2,5 million searches for the Dubai Real Estate market a month. There’s no lack of traffic.

So anytime we want, we can just go to the “Supermarket of traffic” and grab as much traffic as we want to.

What we do on Google AdWords is we take the keywords that are having the most searches that have the most transactional nature to them. Start to learn how it works, really anyone that really focuses on it can have a campaign running in 24 hours.

Step 3: Handling the Leads

A niche, long-tail keyword is about US$ 2, and the CTR in Dubai will be low, so don’t trust what Google says and leave it at 16%. This would mean that for US$ 4000 you’d be getting around 2000 traffic on your site.

If you’ve done things correctly, you should have a minimum of 4,8% conversion rate on your site.

That rounds up to a whopping 100 engaged leads investing only US$ 4000.

Now if your close rate is just 1%, you’d be closing a deal, let’s say a low price of 1.5 M AED would amount to US$ 18.750 in profit. 4,6x ROI, not bad considering I used low numbers all the way through.

Now how do you actually close these leads?

Just a few recommendations:

Be fast

These leads are in research mode, they are part of the 20% of the market that wants to buy now or is looking to buy by exploring different options. So, they’ll be exploring options like crazy. And you gotta be the one to respond faster.

How? Automate email sending as soon as they send an inquiry, you should receive a notification and they should as well, make it sound HUMANE.

Your marketing message should match the temperature of your traffic

Don’t pressure at this stage, you are the authority, create a relationship with them, don’t destroy it. Just ask questions to be able to get to understand their needs and actually be of service. Don’t have commission breath.

Follow up in more ways, more times

The leads that don’t respond? Follow them up! Search for their name, search them online, on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook. The more follow ups the more you’ll differentiate yourself from the thousands of competitors in Dubai.


Selling an off-plan project in a streamlined way can be really profitable. But it has to be done right.

First, set up the foundations to your marketing, build a base of trust to position yourself as an authority to the eyes of new leads.

Next, streamline the process of promoting a new project by having a system to research, create the copy, publish the site, and drive traffic to it.

Finally see how the rain of leads starts flowing, be fast, match your tone with their temperature, and follow up like a madman.

I really hope this was helpful, at least it was for our clients. Claim your free no-compromise audit and strategy session to find key areas of improvement and scale your brokerage today. See you then!

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